Non Performing Assets has become a major issue in Indian Banking Sectors. First and foremost, a country's economy runs on Business and risk taking entrepreneurs. If no Entrepreneur takes risk, India will be the same developing country for as long as it takes. It will never see any growth or improvement in it's citizen's standard of living. You go to a developed country like America and ask them about bank loans, most of the time bank comes last and interests of risk taking entrepreneurs come first. So coming to India, Non Performing Assets is not entirely Bank's fault. If we leave out negligible amount of malpractices in Banks, the fault lies with the economy and governance, partly by global economic conditions. Steel sector is now under stress, it is turning into NPAs, how can you blame the banks when it gave loans when steel sector was booming. Next comes Governance, the most important of all. Fractured governance, Fractured economy. more NPAs. If we try to put ingenious conditions on risk taking Businesses, it will not do any favor to the economy. The least we can do is due diligence and a separate department in every bank or altogether a separate bank to deal with high risks and huge amount of loans. These separate entity can be governed by experts in each field, having a clear idea about where they are putting their money and what is the future of their loans. These entities should charge higher amount of interests, charging for their premium expenses. Otherwise, I will blame NPAs entirely on corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, for the way business is done in India. If economy is in good hands, NPAs will vanish to a negligible amount.
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