Friday, September 22, 2017

Avoiding Train Accidents

We will try to solve the main cause for accidents in India. Collisions between two trains and tracks either manually tampered by miscreants or done accidentally. There is a simple solution for this. We have to keep GPS trackers in every train and these should be monitored by a central station either in every district or in every state. Maps have become available with every train tracks. so we just need find if there is no station between two trains coming opposite to each other. In that case, the central tracking system alarms the train drivers to stop. This central system will announce in every station the arrival of trains more accurately using GPS to find the speed of train and calculating its arrival time. GPS tracking is the next big technology, which should be developed in order to modernize Railways.

So, the next problem is Tracks. Though i have no knowledge in metals, i would like to propose a system, which will help avoid train accidents, if that technology is present already or can be developed. The plan is to attach a metal strip along the whole track of the rails which should be molded with tracks. The tracks will conduct some kind of signal or mild electricity, which will be monitored every 1 km through an autonomous Tracks Anti- Tamper System. It will send a signal between two points of every kilometer on the track. If it sends a signal with strength x, it has to be received with same strength ( or with calculable strength) on the other end of every kilometer. If unintentionally the track is destroyed, no signal will reach the other end. If someone purposefully breaks the tracks and connects it with a wire, the signal strength should vary indicating a malicious activity along the track. Every time a train comes, the signal is sent and received at every kilometer before the train is about to travel the route. The metal and signal has to be developed by research center dealing with metals and signals. We can even do research on encodable optic fibres or some new material, which when broken has to be replaced by a optical fibre or some material, which has to be encoded same way as the original. That will make this system unable to be tampered, no matter how sophisticated the attacker is.

Or we can provide a bunch of cables which is twisted and all have same color. If somebody cuts it, he will not be able to reconnect it. It can be made more secure by a embedded a set of wires in a cable, which is elastic and can be twisted, so even if somebody uses great technology to cut the cable, he will not be able to reconnect the wires, since the cable will twist and which wire will have to connect to which one can not be found. This security feature can be made more effective by adding more cables

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