Let's say, I configured number 2 and method, altearnately add the chosen number. After first level recognition, it gives you 2749164. So, now my Password is 4769366. In case 9+2 =11( take the last digit). Every time, the 7 digit number you get, will differ. And you can create password just by knowing your number and method. Each of your device can have same method and number, so that, it is easy to remember passwords and not to write it anywhere or different sets. Very very simple to remember. The methods can be unlimited. Even for alphabets and 100 different methods possibility is 24 * 100 = 2400 possible passwords, every single time. You can even program your own method, which makes the possibilities literally unlimited. So, i guess nobody will allow someone to try thousands of times for a commercially available personal device. Even if someone tries at different intervals, the user should be notified of wrong password attempts and adviced to change password. Anyways, password is Very simple to remember. Try for high security systems yourself. For multi digit results of a number, if operated on a given place in the given 7 digit number, always use the last digit. For fractions, use the digit before decimal and for negatives leave out the negative symbol. As they have more chances of variation. I hope, mathematicians and experts will figure out all these small small things. This is not about deciphering.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Let's play with Passwords
Let's say, I configured number 2 and method, altearnately add the chosen number. After first level recognition, it gives you 2749164. So, now my Password is 4769366. In case 9+2 =11( take the last digit). Every time, the 7 digit number you get, will differ. And you can create password just by knowing your number and method. Each of your device can have same method and number, so that, it is easy to remember passwords and not to write it anywhere or different sets. Very very simple to remember. The methods can be unlimited. Even for alphabets and 100 different methods possibility is 24 * 100 = 2400 possible passwords, every single time. You can even program your own method, which makes the possibilities literally unlimited. So, i guess nobody will allow someone to try thousands of times for a commercially available personal device. Even if someone tries at different intervals, the user should be notified of wrong password attempts and adviced to change password. Anyways, password is Very simple to remember. Try for high security systems yourself. For multi digit results of a number, if operated on a given place in the given 7 digit number, always use the last digit. For fractions, use the digit before decimal and for negatives leave out the negative symbol. As they have more chances of variation. I hope, mathematicians and experts will figure out all these small small things. This is not about deciphering.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Training Suit
Microsoft's Social Network+
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Another promising start-up
I will tell you another promising startup. Build-my-home. Through this app. First, we can draw a plan for the building, no matter whether it is a simple home or hotel or restaurant or factory or whatever. This plan will give you a real life picture of the building with furniture, interior designing. Next it will connect builders, interior designers, engineers, furniture marketers, bricks, painters, even basic workers with the customers who want to build their home. Definitely this startup is gonna fetch billions of dollars.
First, select the number of rooms, in case of building home. Choose the place, adjust its size, drag and place it anywhere you like. Choose its color, choose interior designing from standard ones or contact designers through app, who are best rated or who will suit your budget. Even vasthu can be checked through our app. Know how the entire home will look like and know the approximate expenditure to build the entire home. Company will also provide blueprint designers, certified by the company, who knows very well, how the app can be used to design. Select available engineers, again rated or based on your budget availability. Choose masons available in your locality. Basic workers can connect with this app to be notified, wherever they are wanted.
Manufacturers of things like taps, fittings, furniture can have agreements with the company to enable customers to know the entire picture of their home, fitted with their parts in advance. Customers can buy from local vendors with Product ID numbers, not above the agreed price. Or buy from the manufacturer directly.
For someone, who says i just want to see the model and leave everything to the company. That also can be done by Full time Engineers. Company will take commission on all services say 5-10% of cost of the home and connection it makes. Every designer or engineer, will have to pay fixed commission to the company, based on the cost of the building. They have to work with the customer with a fee per hour or per month basis not exceeding already agreed upon fee with the company. If the customer refuses to accept the engineer or designer after contact being made, customer has to bear the commission what Engineer or designer has to make to the company. The app will show, Engineer and designers already done work, the review made by already worked customers. Regarding materials for building, only if they transact through the app, they get a good bargain. So, that commission can also be secured.
Company will charge 15% upfront the cost of the project. 5-10% commissions for all the connections including laboir It will calculate every expenditure done to build the project, as the project enters phase to phase. At the end, Company will calculate all the expenses including commission it got for raw materials, excluding labour. That will exactly tell the cost of the project and company will take 10% of it and refund, if any extra cost it already received.
Next, we will look into the loopholes. Engineer tells different rates to customer and the company. Not possible, since customer will not give more money to the engineer, designer, mason than exhibited in the app. Engineer or blue print designer puts cheap fittings and reduces the percentage charged by the company, and buys costly fittings directly from the vendors. For that, we will charge a separate rate for the initial blue print design. After that customer can take the print out and leave. It's just a photograph, without product IDs. That alone will serve no purpose for customer, since he wants to buy costly fittings at low price and vendors outside our app will not sell products at this minimum possible rate.
Just like Ola doesn't own cabs, company will not invest in any products required for building home. Not even bricks. Customers have to buy the things, at every step. We will reduce it's price, through our agreement with manufacturers. That's it.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Engineering Admission tests
Throughout India it is a general practice, that engineering students, should score in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Why should a AI Engineer learn physics or chemistry? Why should a biotechnology engineer learn Mathematics? And why is Computer Science being left out, when huge number of engineers are Computer Engineers?
So, I propose a system, where instead of 3 papers, Students study 2 papers, if they are sure about their Engineering choice. 3 and 4, if their choice increases.
First, All Computer Science degrees
Paper 1 - Computer Science +1
Paper 2 - Computer Science +2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
Second, All Electronics and Electronic
Civil, Mechanical
Paper 1 - Physics +1
Paper 2 - Physics + 2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
Third, Biotechnology
Paper 1 - Chemistry +1
Paper 2 - Chemistry +2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
If a Student decides to do one of a Computer Science degree from a lot of choices, all he has to do is study Computer Science and Mathematics. We can examine his Computer Science skills deeply through 2 papers, but his study burden( not exactly. Ha ha ha) will not increase, because he puts the same effort, if u ask questions from +1 and +2 together or separately in two papers. This will help students concentrate on their choice of study, rather than putting unnecessary effort on other subjects. Suppose, a student is not sure, whether he wants Computer Science degree or a whole lot of other choices like Electronic, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical and all the choices it gives or literally all Engineering degrees, he simply puts the same effort of studying 3 papers, as earlier. Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics. I believe that introduction of Computer Science paper in JEE is important, as India is growing fast in IT sector, and most IT recruiters, would like to test students in basic Computer Science skills, before allowing in their concerns to do Specialization in a particular field.
In tamilnadu, we simply need to add computer science subject, as it was neglected before. Like pure science, we will introduce pure computer science.
Degrees awarded by Industries
It is high time that Government of India allows Corporate Companies or MNCs beyond a certain revenue to start their own diploma programs, as per their needs, syllabus duly approved by UGC. These companies may allow +2 students to apply for their degree program, based on marks scored in Higher Secondary or based on their own entrance and interview. These programs should be accepted across industries, as it is approved by Government. MoU can be signed between government universities and the industry. But still big corporates should be allowed to conduct their own degree programs, if they wish, based on their agenda, since it will meet their requirements and more advantageous to them. Not full fledged university, but certain very sophisticated programs. The purpose of these programs is to give Corporates a free hand to select the best talent, give training and recruit them. This will hugely benefit the students. Suppose Samsung wants to start a Diploma or Degree program, say B.Tech in Cellphone Technology. Is there a better place than Samsung Company itself to learn with in-house experience to every phase and detail. No university can provide such learning experience even with MoUs. Advantage for Samsung is they can get best talent in India and do some research on cellphone technology.
The best way for MNCs to admit students is through Engineering cut off itself in Anna University for tamilnadu, combining their seats they allocate with seats provided by tamilnadu colleges, through single window counseling.
Need for specialization in education
I will discuss Tamilnadu's Bachelor degrees now, because i now know only about it. 48% of Engineering seats in Tamilnadu is not filled. And a majority of Tamilnadu's graduates are not employable. Why? Because there is a huge mistake in the syllabus of not only Bachelor of Engineering degrees, but even in Bachelor of Science degrees. This education system is also too focused on certain popular programs, which affects the diversity of industries in Tamilnadu, which inturn makes a majority of youth unemployable, because their skills don't have takers in industry.
The solution to all these problems is specialization of education. If there is a separate Diploma for let's say Furniture making, first it helps Diploma holders to completely understand the whole process of making different kinds of furniture and the technical process behind it, business of selling and the chain of operation behind it, entrepreneurship behind it. It helps big furniture makers easily find skilled people. Inturn flourishes the whole furniture making industry, with takers who are skilled in that particular field. In that way, it brings diversity of business happening in the country.
Next, why despite being degree holders, people are not employable. Because there is a complete mismatch what industry wants and what knowledge, education system provides them. Since, being a Masters in Computer Science, i can tell about it. The only common thing we have to provide to all computer science students is programming, remaining all can be specialised without any doubt. I would suggest that universities provide BS of 3 years with specializations like AI, IoT, Programming, with common first year for all computer science students. Note that, not for all engineering students. The most important things in these programs is that each paper should be tailor made to teach only different aspects of that particular specialization, after first year. If you teach AI, i would suggest, Every single topic of Mathematics paper should teach a particular aspect of AI, not teach unnecessary topics, even programming languages should be taught on how programs are written for AI. BS aspirants of computer science should have studied computer science as a subject in +2. These should cover as much of specialization as possible like embedded systems, robotics so and so. This specialization programs should be extended to all engineering programs like electronics, electrical engineering.
Next, how to make India updated and skilled with latest developments. Give atleast 25% seats in every college specialization programs to industry. They can directly come to second year of BS. Let the industry re - skill and up-skill with latest technology. It will happen only if colleges provide a first class education, better than industry, atleast to SMEs. Everyone from student to professionals, skills need to be updated, otherwise everyone as a nation will fail. Yes. Old specializations will go and new specializations will come as per the industrial requirements, which is very important, and will make the education system dynamic and up to date.
Next, the question of recruitment. Is specialisation going to increase the chance of employment. Obviously yes. Companies will be more than happy to recruit a person, who has shown good performance in that particular field, as they are already experts in that field, which is verified, and needs less training or none sometimes. Will a electronic student's chance of employment increases, because earlier he can go even to a software company. Now also nobody says u can't go to a software company. But, why would you choose an electronic field, if u want to be a software engineer. It's not your aspiration. More electronic companies are going to come in the future, as the skill available has increased. New jobs will be created and new diversified fields will come.
I can assure you that, if Colleges in tamilnadu provide these kind of diplomas, maximum seats will be filled and there will be a resurrection of education field and inturn bringing development to tamilnadu as a whole.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Artificial intelligence : Creativity
As i have already told, simple beginning is to break the already written code into pieces and combine them in various ways, will give huge number of creative solutions to a problem. Surely, machines can create art much more fascinating than picasso himself. Just feed Robots with various strokes, styles, colors. The finer the variety and details, better the output. Robots should be taught tastes by separate codes, so that it is guided by the tastes and output comes accordingly. Nobody, even humans create anything out of nothing. They are always guided by their tastes. Supposing, i decide to draw something. I decide that my taste is something, like i want to draw a bird. Then through strokes, styles and colors and much more of my choice, i draw it. AI can draw your art in seconds, with innumerable varieties, u can pick. Robots should draw art, without human guidance. It will, if you ask them to pick up random styles, tastes, etc. Not everyone likes other's arts. Or you can give them particular taste, it will produce art of that taste, learn slowly by ratings, how much humans like a particular style and taste, just like how a child learns, or an artist learn art. Creativity is just part of AI. We will get into creativity much more in the later series.
Suppose, i wanna draw Monalisa. I will tell style as real life woman, who half smiles and looks happy and worried at the same time. If u ask an artist to paint such a picture, think about the cost and effort. But if you have coded very finely, in the sense, breaking face into finer parts, how a person's face changes and overlaps, to emotions. If you combine both happiness and sadness, you have created a marvelous art, at the click of a button.
Let's get into another scenario. I want to create a natural scenery. There are 4 items in that. Mountain, waterfall, plants and birds.
So A1, A2, A3, A4 are four types of mountain types. Each segment of code knows very well about it's type and it's relations with other code. Now B 1-4, is four types of waterfalls, C 1-4 are four types of plants, D1-4 are four types of birds. A1, B2, C4, D3 will give you a scenary, created from nowhere. If you have ever done coding, you will know one piece of code's output type will match exactly other piece's input type,in the sense, A,B,C,D should collaborate,allowing each other certain positions for location and ability to change each other, to a certain level. If one doesn't know other type nothing can be done. But coming to the issue, it is possible to draw picasso drawings, if first you draw 4 women thru women's code. Next mix it with next segment, whose job is to find the drawing of a women and slightly straighten it's curves. Then send it to a segment which fills the body with strokes. A1,A2,A4,A3( 4 women), B2( straighten it's curves), C4( fill the body with strokes). Break into pieces( if you already don't have), mix it with other segments. Art can be created by AI. Not necessarily photographs.
Ok. Let's leave supernatural things. Not only machines, but humans also do mix and match, with some experience and guidance of the past, while creating art. We can inject sophisticated codes to make machines choose certain types of art, based on the input. If u say, humans like certain art. They do it either because of their gene and lineancy, or from past experience. Anyways, we can make certain machines behave the same way, thru code lineancy towards certain art form.
AI is gonna dictate art industry in the future. Wroom.
Artificial Intelligence : Introduction
Making a machine to be creative is just the beginning of Artificial Intelligence.
Let's also deal with Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, which if implemented successfully in every Machine, will not be a threat to human existence. Robots need to analyze a problem, and understand what is it and think rational solutions to the problem, all obeying Asimov's Law. Creativity is another aspect, not the only one dealing with Artificial Intelligence. This is a simple introduction. We'll get into every aspect of AI in the future, as i learn more about AI.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Preventing illegal immigration in America
This idea is about avoiding illegal immigration in America. This idea takes advantage of the Social Security Number given to all American Citizens. So, if someone crosses the border illegally, he/she will not possess SSN. If we isolate people without SSN, we can completely catch hold of every single illegal immigrant in America. We can make it still better, efficient, less costly by making it compulsory for companies, big, small or petty shops, to check the SSN status, before giving them job. Next we can make compulsory for every rental house owners, to check SSN status. No job, No shelter, No more illegal immigrants. Through this way, we can cut costs of police force, who may waste resources otherwise, by checking all immigrants.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
God of Athiests
Is there really no God? Does He really exist? Or is it just a false belief. I can scientifically prove that God really exist. If u believe in science, think about size. Do u think, our planet is all that exist. Real universe is definitely bigger than your imagining ability about universe. In this vast unlimited universe, why would you think that there is no living being larger than solar system. If you believe in science, you will definitely believe that there are larger living beings, in this universe. Only name we can give them is God. Scientifically, they can physically affect our lives. They may have super natural powers. Atheists are fools, not those who believe in God, because even science says so.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
False claim avoidance
It is common practice, not only in bank, but in many organisations, where employees put claims of making a call to the customer, without actually doing it. There's a very simple idea, to counter it. Time it. Calculate averagely, what time it will take to talk to customer and allow only one entry during that period. It doesn't need any software to lock the employee's application. Just maximize the page to full screen, when the employee comes out of maximisation, just reset the time back to zero. Now, he can't do other jobs, keeping the time ticking. He can simply stare at the screen, or better call the customer. In case, he needs to do other important work at that time, just come out of maximisation, time will be set to zero, to that particular entry. He can come back to that entry after doing that important thing, and start from zero. Simple.