Throughout India it is a general practice, that engineering students, should score in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Why should a AI Engineer learn physics or chemistry? Why should a biotechnology engineer learn Mathematics? And why is Computer Science being left out, when huge number of engineers are Computer Engineers?
So, I propose a system, where instead of 3 papers, Students study 2 papers, if they are sure about their Engineering choice. 3 and 4, if their choice increases.
First, All Computer Science degrees
Paper 1 - Computer Science +1
Paper 2 - Computer Science +2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
Second, All Electronics and Electronic
Civil, Mechanical
Paper 1 - Physics +1
Paper 2 - Physics + 2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
Third, Biotechnology
Paper 1 - Chemistry +1
Paper 2 - Chemistry +2
Paper 3 - Mathematics, both +1 and +2
If a Student decides to do one of a Computer Science degree from a lot of choices, all he has to do is study Computer Science and Mathematics. We can examine his Computer Science skills deeply through 2 papers, but his study burden( not exactly. Ha ha ha) will not increase, because he puts the same effort, if u ask questions from +1 and +2 together or separately in two papers. This will help students concentrate on their choice of study, rather than putting unnecessary effort on other subjects. Suppose, a student is not sure, whether he wants Computer Science degree or a whole lot of other choices like Electronic, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical and all the choices it gives or literally all Engineering degrees, he simply puts the same effort of studying 3 papers, as earlier. Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics. I believe that introduction of Computer Science paper in JEE is important, as India is growing fast in IT sector, and most IT recruiters, would like to test students in basic Computer Science skills, before allowing in their concerns to do Specialization in a particular field.
In tamilnadu, we simply need to add computer science subject, as it was neglected before. Like pure science, we will introduce pure computer science.
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