Thursday, January 2, 2020

Access Badge

I saw a video in which kevin says, i went to a rest room and  created duplicate card, by copying it, by some means, which i don't know. If that person enters the building with the card at the entrance, second attempt with a duplicate card by kevin should have raised an alarm. Even if that person enters second, kevin is trapped inside. If you map all the building, we can stop the security breach. You can even know, if security is breached, by recording entries and all the path the intruder has taken. If the employees are given Microsoft calendars, which has the normal working hours and their holidays, Card can be used during those hours, without dynamic passwords, i wrote a blog about, just by using access badge. Other times, use both access badge and dynamic password. Atleast, mark next day's entry time in the calendar, like i will enter the premise tomorrow between 9 AM and 11AM, exit anytime, along with holidays. Standard times for lunch will be without passwords, if you go out. Otherwise, enter with passwords. Anyways, this is just a better way of security, not cent percent fool proof. If say, i don't care about ease of use and want full security. Put Smard cards + dynamic password + face recognition + no double entries, everytime.

I have another simple method to confuse card copying. Provide a two plastic dials, each with 6 to 10 points in the access badge. It will make the badge little thick. You will be assigned a number between 00 to 55, in case of 6 point dial or 00 to 99 in case of 10 point dial. Or instead of dials, lines can be used, the more the lines, the more the numbers. Every time you swipe( inserting inside card reader), it will check the magnetic code and the plastic dials. If both are correct, give access and changes the plastic dial to a random number. Every time you swipe, change the dial to ur assigned number manually and after that, let the reader itself confuse the copier by changing it to a random number. Your effort reduced. Plastic dials, first of all can't be copied. It will not emit any magnetic field. Card Reader will detect the assigned number by the raised plastic mould used. It's like a password, only that you don't waste time on quees and the one behind you, won't peek into ur password. We can use plastic number checks during entry and exit of the building, leaving the rooms inside to check only the magnetic code. Also, we will design, the dial in such a way that no finger prints can find the number. The dial will have a small flat hole. A plastic pen will be provided at the side of the card. Insert the tip of the pen in the hole and rotate it. Without the pen you can't rotate the dial. And the dial will always rotate in one direction. Dial and the card will be at same flat level. Obviously, this technology will not be used in FBI. But if a small or mid-sized company wants security, this is a very cheap, high security method with that cost. Also can be commercially mass produced.

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