Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Track and stop Corona Virus spread

I want to suggest a simple device, to track and stop the spread of corona virus. We can mass produce a small RFID tag, which sends the person's mobile number or an alibi to that number, which can be found, from central database. A microphone should be attached to the Mobile phone, pinned in the collar, which detects whether it's a cough or sneeze, with the help of mobile app. Mobile phone will have a RFID reader attached to it. Suppose a person is identified to have corona virus, we can use his device to find whoever talked or stayed close to him for more than say 30 seconds. And the most important, whenever the infected coughs, microphone, pinned in his collar will sense that he is coughing or sneezing and records all other victims' RFID number( or mobile number directly ) near him in the mobile app, with the help of the nearby victims' tag, and RFID reader attached in the infected Mobile phone. So, we can completely track the spread of corona virus from person to person, contact them through their mobile phones and ask them to take a test. We can even segregate them, whether they are high risk, low risk, sure victims, by their time spent with the infected and whether they were with him, when the infected coughed or sneezed.

If we develop technology for this, we can simply create a smiley batch, with all the necessary technical products in that batch and people just need to wear the batch, connected to their cellphone, by Bluetooth or wireless. If we do research further, we can even develop smiley alone, which  works on battery, later retrieving the data, so that children can also wear this. Definitely this is not rocket science. It's just a simple device. Ateast in the future, we should be ready and act immediately, before such virus outbreak starts.

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